Sunday, February 28, 2010
iepurele de martieeeee
Asculta mai multe audio Diverse
E Martie! ce frumos, ce frumos!
Din categoria 'nu stiu altii cum sunt...' dar eu cand vine luna martie simt ca prind aripi si ma insufletesc tot felul de initiative si planuri si dorinte...imi apar asa niste antenutze invizibile care vibreaza la cele mai trasnite idei (i'm gonna make a mistake...i'm gonna do it on purpose...) si imi doresc sa ma imbrac frumos si sa dansez sa am o aventura sa pictez sa lucrez sa aleeeerg...
Ma simt in stare de o multitudine de lucruri. Am vazut ieri la televizor un tip care a creat squirrel feeding exercise machine (cel mai probabil tot in martie) si mi s-a parut o tampenie delicioasa ... cred ca as putea face si eu ceva can be anything you want to be...just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be...hi hi
Astazi am descoperit si unul din avantajele de a locui la cand m-am trezit am vazut in fata geamului muuulte tarabe de flori si galeti cu lalele si trandafiri si frezii, toate parca pentru mine! universul este de azi un pic mai frumooos! Si e soare si deja am inceput sa tes pentru azi un plan complex care include prietenie, plimbari pe stradute si privit case vechi in soare nou, happy time pe la vreo cafenea de prin centru, poate sa imi cumpar si o carte...
Si am impresia ca si blogul face un an tot prin abia astept si ziua mea...
Sa aveti o minunata luna martie!
Friday, February 26, 2010
dias que se vuelvan

a thing for... it's a blog that features these lovely mood boards...and it's in Spanish so it's even more poetical...

Thursday, February 25, 2010
cleaning up
OK...I've got big plans for today...I'm gonna be a perfect 'housewife', clean up the apartment, make everything shine and have supper ready just in time. So fingers crossed I'll make it all...
Oh, and someone reminded me that i forgot about the pin-up Wednesday, so I'll have to get to that too...I'm glad it's kind of cloudy today so i won't go out strolling like the past two days and postpone cleaning again :D ... so...I'll see you when I'm done!

OK...I've got big plans for today...I'm gonna be a perfect 'housewife', clean up the apartment, make everything shine and have supper ready just in time. So fingers crossed I'll make it all...
Oh, and someone reminded me that i forgot about the pin-up Wednesday, so I'll have to get to that too...I'm glad it's kind of cloudy today so i won't go out strolling like the past two days and postpone cleaning again :D ... so...I'll see you when I'm done!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

These days i feel like I'm floating through a world of possibilities, strolling the streets... indulging myself with idle daydreams and the promise of spring...
I absolutely love this song ... and Fiona Apple :D
Please take a moment to listen to this and float with me and embrace the beauty in the world :D

These days i feel like I'm floating through a world of possibilities, strolling the streets... indulging myself with idle daydreams and the promise of spring...
I absolutely love this song ... and Fiona Apple :D
Please take a moment to listen to this and float with me and embrace the beauty in the world :D
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
red and green
PET-ART, new wave of materials recycling

Art in plastic!
Veronika Richterova uses PET bottles for these beautiful creations. Using just scissors, a hair dryer and colors she transforms regular plastic bottles into art. See more of her work here.

Art in plastic!
Veronika Richterova uses PET bottles for these beautiful creations. Using just scissors, a hair dryer and colors she transforms regular plastic bottles into art. See more of her work here.
Monday, February 22, 2010

beautiful dreamy pics by tirilhauan
So they say I tend to look in the past a little bit to much.
But why is it that everything seems so much nicer after time passes? After a while you only remember the good parts. I always thought that's a good thing...

beautiful dreamy pics by tirilhauan
So they say I tend to look in the past a little bit to much.
But why is it that everything seems so much nicer after time passes? After a while you only remember the good parts. I always thought that's a good thing...
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Botanical brooches by David Neale. He's challenging himself to say something unique and new in making jewelry inspired by plants. I think he does.
he doesn't just copy from nature, he understands natural structures, he decomposes and recomposes them into beautiful pieces like these. I love the way the forms overlap just like petals, the's definitely something i would love as a present... :P

Botanical brooches by David Neale. He's challenging himself to say something unique and new in making jewelry inspired by plants. I think he does.
he doesn't just copy from nature, he understands natural structures, he decomposes and recomposes them into beautiful pieces like these. I love the way the forms overlap just like petals, the's definitely something i would love as a present... :P
des films et des valises
{movies and suitcases}

It's always easier in films...they just pack their bags and leave... but it's really overwhelming for me and I know what I'm talking 'cause in the past 7 years I've moved out 8 times. And because I started getting bigger apartments I also gathered more and more stuff...and the most painful thing is having to move all of my books and architecture magazines, i couldn't lift those boxes!
And it breaks my heart thinking that i will have to decide what to take with me when I move to England and all the stuff that i will have to leave behind...But i try to look on the bright side...These pics also talk about moving on, starting a new life ...
It's not just about what you live's most of all about what's ahead, the journey and the discovery of a new place... suitcases mean adventures!

It's always easier in films...they just pack their bags and leave... but it's really overwhelming for me and I know what I'm talking 'cause in the past 7 years I've moved out 8 times. And because I started getting bigger apartments I also gathered more and more stuff...and the most painful thing is having to move all of my books and architecture magazines, i couldn't lift those boxes!
And it breaks my heart thinking that i will have to decide what to take with me when I move to England and all the stuff that i will have to leave behind...But i try to look on the bright side...These pics also talk about moving on, starting a new life ...
It's not just about what you live's most of all about what's ahead, the journey and the discovery of a new place... suitcases mean adventures!
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