Monday, August 23, 2010

Introducing the Silver Chef

The Silver Chef in Queenstown, NZ
My name is Ian Low and I hail from the island of Singapore, a food mecca of sorts where the east has already met the west and is now moving on to new ground.

It is this new ground that my humble self, a self-taught chef in the age of the Internet has dubbed myself the Silver Chef.

Why silver? Well, my hair has grown progressively from black to grey .... and now it seems to be silverish, so heck, the Silver Chef is thus born!

Hopefully this will be the first of many Singapore food blogs that I will contribute and hopefully, many will enjoy reading this and perhaps, even attempt at some of the dishes that will be featured on this blog.

I am trained in IT engineering, so it is a great stretch, and more than a few worlds apart from the culinary world, but it is this passion for food and all things culinary that has fueled my weekends for the past few years (that and golf!)

So why this blog? To be frank, I was partly inspired by the movie Julie and Julia where Julie, in her own self-taught way decided to go through the cookbook of the great Julia Childs. As for me, I am not going through anyone's cookbook, but instead, using this blog as a document of my culinary adventures and experiments (many failed I assure you!)

Some bio on me, I am 41 this year, married, no kids, love movies and music and enjoys the finest moments in life whenever life permits (and my bank account's permission too).

So enough about me and the introduction ... off we go on our first culinary adventure ...

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