Monday, August 16, 2010

Morgan M. Morgansen's Date with Destiny

I can't decide what I like more about these beautiful short films: the invented words, the vintage inspired graphics, the music, joseph gordon-levitt's acting... 'just let the words wash over you until you begin to make sense' (NYmag). I'm sure you're gonna enjoy it!

'Her headfront was polypainted with fauxface; lips cherried to the max, see-globe hairs enplussed to twin the limbs of arachnomonsters.'

“Oh tragedous, wronghap! woed Destiny. “What uber-humalian, what alphaknight will revicinitate my flitulous fluff-friend?”

These videos are the products of hitRECord. now, it took me a while to understand what hitRECord is and I think these videos make the best explanation. it is a project started by joseph gordon-levitt about five years ago and it's basically a place where creative individuals develop art and media by collaborating in different projects. these videos are the remixed result of many contributors and the first one was featured at sundance film festival.

gordon levitt's words about the film's story here

so if you feel inspired and want to be part of something like this there are a few ongoing projects that you could join (hitRECord collaborate), or even come with your own idea and find others willing to collaborate. i think this is a wonderful way to be part of an artistic community and who knows...maybe your project gets as successful as this one here.

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