Monday, August 23, 2010

je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais...


I'm looking forward to seeing this film - 'Serge Gainsbourg (vie heroique)'. His music is legendary and so is his wild lifestyle. I want to get swept away for two hours in the world of this french controversial genius with a drinking problem and gorgeous lovers... great music and great style... sounds promising. I am always interested in biographies of artists...

His music was always progressive and raised questions with its often double meanings and sexual content. He even got some death threats and the Vatican cited his song 'je t' non plus' as offensive.

Considered one of the ugliest men in French music, he had some of the most beautiful women of the time : Brigitte Bardot, Juliette Greco, Jane Birkin. And his unusual features inspired this blog Draw Serge! which is a place where lots of illustrators, more or less famous, post portraits of the great Gainsbourg. Have a go at your own version of Serge!

and I leave you with one of my favourite songs from him...

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