Friday, April 13, 2012

Book Chat: Fifty Shades of Grey


OH MY GOODNESS! ;) I'm blushing as I write about the fact that I read this book in 4 days. I guess it helped I spent so much time at the salon (new hair post), but I could not put it down. I have never thought of myself as a prude, but my goodness Mr. Grey!
I have ordered the next 2 books in the trilogy and am super excited to hear they were picked up to be a movie!
I'm not sure how the movie will not be XXX, but I'm sure they will make it hot yet tasteful. lol Is that an oxymoron?
Has anyone read it yet? Thoughts?
I really liked it! I found myself looking up a lot making sure no one was watching me as I read my smutty book. It made me laugh, cringe, and really root for them. (Why am I rooting for them?!) I loved their witty banter emails and I just could not get enough! It's kinda like the vampire appeal. You know, he's dangerous for her, she still loves him, ect. I'm a sucker for a passionate love story no matter how smutty the material is I guess.
I'm actually really excited to see who plays Ana and Christian in the movies. More then excited!
Now I wait a few weeks for Amazon to send me the next two....and I am not happy I can't have them now. ;) I am anxious to see how their story unfolds, I mean there is no way they can continue to have sex like four times a day forever is there?! How does she walk?! lol

**UPDATE I was called on Thursday by Mario Tricoci and apologized to for a miss charge. She had not read my blog, just was going over books and realized I was charged when I should not have been. I was given a credit for the FULL amount and plan to go get a massage in the next couple of weeks! I am one happy camper!!! 

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