Thursday, April 12, 2012

Outfit: Stripes and Elbow Patches

PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketSweater: C/O OASAP, Skirt: H&M, Vest: Forever 21, Shoes: Sole Society, Necklace: Swap w/ Kaitlyn, Watch: Fossil, Wrist Wrap: C/O Kristin Hassan, Bag: Windsor, Heart Ring: Jewelmint, Sunnies: MNG by Mango

How amazing is this sweater?! It was given to me by and I am smitten with it. I love the elbow patches, the color, and the fact that we still have cool enough weather to wear knits here in the Chicago land area. ;) 
I had actually never heard of Oasap prior to them contacting me, but I am so glad they are now on my radar! They have very awesome selection of clothing, accessories, and shoes. I highly recommend you check them out. 

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