Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Outfit: Easter Sunday

PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketDress: Express, Jacket: Gap, Necklace and Fringe Bag: C/O Just Fabulous, Shoes: Victoria's Secret, Sunnies: Loft

 This was the outfit I wore to my first Easter party of the day. Kaitlyn and I ended up not only in the same dress but also the same coat! lol Our shoes were even similar. Great minds think alike right!
The kids had a blast and we were able to stop at home for an hour to give the bean a nap before jetting out to the next party. 
I obviously did an outfit change. ;)

PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketDress: Hive & Honey from Piperlime, Belt: Threadsence, Shoes: C/O Just Fabulous, Cuff and Wrist Wrap: C/O Kristin Hassan, Heart Ring: Jewelmint, Sunnies: Loft
Here is outfit #2 of the day! I just love this dress. I bought it a few months ago, so I was so glad to finally wear it. With all the bending down for the egg hunts and helping with the kids it made more sense to go with a longer dress (lesson learned earlier in the day).

Here is the gluten free cake I made for the desert competition. It supposed to be a sunflower, but my son really wanted it to be blue. What can I say? He knows what he likes! ;)

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