Saturday, November 13, 2010

Traditional Fu Shi Roasted Wanton Mee With Video

Within the confines of Shunfu Market, lies hidden one of the best kept secrets when it comes to char siew, or honey glazed barbecued pork.

Personally, I have never been a big fan of char siew, and very often I will ask them to be replaced by more wantons when I order my usual plate of wanton noodles.

Traditional Fu Shi Roasted Wanton Mee has just made me a convert of this deliciously sweet pork delicacy. And to get to Shunfu just for this one single dish is worth the trip and effort.

Though the stall is serving mainly wanton mee, roasted pork and char siew rice, I will not deny the fact that the honey glazed pork is the main highlight and star of the show here. But, let's just dwell into the wanton mee for a minute.

Wanton Mee

The noodles themselves were far more al dente than most wanton mee stalls you find here, and it maintained a certain bounce when you bite into it. The char siew is the same delicious char siew you can order in a separate plate.

The wantons themselves were pretty average. They did serve their purpose well here and the chicken broth in which they were bathed in was quite flavorful. When all the noodles, char siew, wantons and sauces were well mixed, the flavors and textures did come together very well.

Glorious Char Siew

The char siew was on another level when it came to the crunch. There was a glorious and heavenly tasting honey glaze on the outside, and the charring of this glaze on the meat was incredibly well done.

But that was not the only exceptional feature of this pork nirvana, it was the meat itself that was equally amazing. It seemed to literally disintegrate in your mouth with only the slightest of chewing effort needed. The texture simply felt like biting into a piece of gorgeous pork fat.

Glass Looking Honey Glazed BBQ Pork

This char siew has been nicknamed by some as glass char siew, as the glaze has given the meat a very porcelain looking quality that has an almost mirror effect. In fact, this place was brought to my attention by bobcat from ieat forums as well, so kudos to him for introducing this wonderful place!

If you have never been a fan of char siew, like myself, I urge you to visit this place at least once to see if you can be converted. If you are already into traditional roast meats, then this place is an absolute no-brainer.

Traditional Fu Shi Roasted Wanton Mee

Blk 320 Shunfu Road
#02-25 Shunfu Mart Food Centre

Click here for the YouTube link.
Click here to download the HD version.

Written, filmed, edited and directed by Silverchef Productions.
Shot and edited entirely on Apple's Iphone 4 and at Shufu Market.
No glass char siew was harmed in the shooting of this video.
"Makeover" performed by David Cook.

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