Lately I find myself realizing that they are not only a huge part of my life but also becoming a huge part of this blog. I think a lot of you are genuinely interested in seeing pictures of them and hearing about my mommy stories. I mean come on, I have the word diaper bag in my blog title! How long can I really go without sharing them with you?!
So without further adieu, I would like to announce the birth of my daughter!
Labor was awful, but quick! I went on Cervital by 9:00pm. My water broke by 2:30am. I had my epidural by 4:00am, and was on Pitocin by 6:00am. By 10:45 I was 9cm and ready to soon be pushing. I actually got her out in 4 pushes! I really wanted to be done! I hadn't slept since the day before at 7:00am so I was beyond tired! The cord got wrapped around her neck and she wasn't breathing so they had to get her out very fast and I wasn't able to see her for the first 20 minutes she was alive. Talk about longest minutes of my life! I knew she was okay, but they went ahead and started taking foot prints and stats. I was laying there like hello?! I haven't seen her yet!!! Then she was in my arms and hasn't left them much since!! She is perfect! A great eater, great sleeper, and generally not too fussy. Yes, I am very lucky!! So far so good!
My son loves her and gives her lots of hugs and kisses. He actually calls her NeNe and likes to be the one who puts the bottle in her mouth at every feeding! He's the little helper. I am beyond lucky to have 2 happy healthy children, and I know it!
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