Monday, January 16, 2012

Penang Place Restaurant at Fusionpolis - Excellent Char Kway Teow

It is not often you find excellent char kway teow in a Penang restaurant, but that was exactly what I discovered in this wonderfully cosy eatery in Fusionpolis.

It actually serves a buffet spread and most diners do come for the buffet, but there is a separate a la carte menu if you prefer to sample selective dishes.

The decor is simple yet very bright an friendly and very comfortable. The staff is more than friendly and it is a good location for a family outing.

The char kway teow was highly recommended here by one of my fellow food blogger, Terry from the Food Canon, and his palate is hardly ever wrong.

Char Kway Teow

It was amazing how well cooked and fried this plate of char kway teow tasted. Full of wok hei, the flat noodles were smooth as silk and the ingredients were well cooked until the flavors were immensely aromatic.

And the incredible bit was it was not as oily as some of the other more famous char kway teows in town. This was simply heavenly. And to find this at a Penang cafe was indeed most surprising.

Fried Ngor Hiang

Another dish that I really fancied was this ngor hiang delicacy. Again, not too oily as some others, but the stuffing was just perfectly balanced and was packed with bags of flavor. 

And it had none of that used oil taste that some other places do, and the whole taste was clean yet crispy and fragrant. One of the best ngor hiangs that I have ever come across.

Chicken Curry

The chicken curry was also quite good, but did not border on greatness. It did, have a very homecooked taste to it, and the chicken and potatoes were well cooked and stewed. Soft, moist chicken coupled with tender potatoes really went well with rice.

Beef Rendang

Another standout was the beautifully cooked beef rendang that was brilliantly tender and fragrant. The spices and coconut milk balance was just about perfect too, and this dish had me going back again and again.

And it was not too spicy as well, as some more traditional malay stalls do tend to over spice this dish quite a bit. Overall, this was one of the best beef rendangs that I have had the pleasure to partake in.

Wide Selection of Penang Delicacies

Apart from the aforementioned food, there was still quite a lot of selection that I have neglected to list down here. In essence, if you are after a good Penang buffet selection, stop venturing to hotel fare like the Havelock ones, but instead try out this restaurant here.

The food was certainly excellent, and almost every dish had a certain homeliness about it. It was homecooked comfort food at its very best, and the pricing is certainly far more affordable than hotels. Other than the location, this place is highly recommended.

Penang Place Restaurant
1 Fusionpolis Way
Connexis #B1-20/24

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