I always make this soup on a Saturday using
dinner leftovers from the week before.
It's a staple in our house if someone is sick.
We call it our "Sickie Soup".
I have given it to sick friends and relatives
and it always makes everyone feel better.
Chicken Noodle Soup
2-4 boxes Mrs. Grass Soup Mix
2 rotisserie chicken breasts diced
Baby carrots diced
Celery and the leaves diced
various leftover veggies (explained below)
spoonful of minced garlic from the jar
My soup base is Mrs. Grass Soup Mix
which comes in these 2-box sets.
For each box, use 4 cups of water in a stock pot.
This day I used three boxes...12 cups water.
The kits come with a flavor packet and the golden nugget.
I don't use the golden nugget because it is essentially
chicken fat which I don't want to add, but
you can decide for yourself.
Add the season packet to the water, turn on high
and bring to a boil.
You can also use chicken broth and
add 1 chicken bouillon cube per 4 cups.
While that's heating, dice up carrots.
I never measure...just add what you like.
Add to soup immediately because the
carrots and celery take the longest to cook.
Remove the large, outer stalks of celery
and use the tender inner stalks.
Note the lovely leaves tucked inside of
the inner stalks. They add wonderful flavor to the soup.
Simply slice the inner stalks and leaves together like this:
You will have a lovely mix of chopped stalks and
flavorful leaves. Add to soup.
All week long, I save any leftover veggies from dinner in one
container for soup.
Cut up into bite-sized pieces and add to the pot.
(If you have peas, don't add until the very end or they'll get mushy)
This week, I had some leftover rice and broccoli,
so I added that, too.
You can also add leftover pasta and any other veggies you
have in the fridge.
While that's all simmering on the stove,
cut up the chicken and add to the soup
Simmer for about a half hour,
or until the carrots and celery are tender.
Now add my secret ingredient...
a big spoonful of minced garlic.
AWESOME flavor!
Stir in the noodles from the soup mix kit
and boil for an additional 10 minutes.
You will have a hearty, healthy soup
that makes everyone feel better!