Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sweeter One - Pavilion Kuala Lumpur At Bukit Bintang With Video

In movies, sequels rarely match up to the original, but I am hoping that my follow up to my original video of my sweet Pauline doing her shopping adventures will be even better.

We had the chance to be in Kuala Lumpur over the past weekend for a friend's wedding, and we certainly did not want to miss the opportunity to shop and shoot at the same time.

Our hotel was located next to the exquisite Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, in the heart of Bukit Bintang, which is kind of like our Orchard Road here.

In sheer size, it dwarfs almost all our most trendy shopping malls, and it houses all the luxury brands as well as some of the best fine dining outlets found in KL. Pauline was certainly impressed.

The Majestic Pavilion

Unlike our malls here, the Pavilion is huge and spacious and seemingly unending. It was certainly a very enjoyable experience shopping here and on the uppermost level, it houses many eating establishments.

I will be posting the individual reviews and videos of some of these restaurants in the coming weeks. For now, I leave you with the second, and hopefully, superior video of Pauline doing her shopping in this spectacular mall.

Filmed on location at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, Bukit Bintang

Written, filmed, edited and directed by Silver Bed Productions.
Shot and edited entirely on Apple's Iphone 4 and at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur.
No Nine West shoe was harmed in the shooting of this video.
"Vanilla Twilight" performed by Owl City.

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