Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Best and Top 10 Singapore Hawker Food

Putting together this list of the best Singapore hawker food stalls was quite a challenge, as there was so much to choose from, and so many that had to be left out.

Again, this is list is subjective and is debatable but this is the fun of doing "Best of" lists, so feel free to comment or make your own lists below.

Hawker food is what defines Singapore and is always a delight to foreigners not used to our hawker lifestyle and cuisine.

Yes, hawker food is a cuisine, and in many ways, some of the best cooking techniques are found here. Hawker food is inexpensive, but you will be hard pressed to find even the top chefs in the top restaurants able to replicate successfully the best chicken rice, or the best bak kut teh.

Without elaborating too much, which I will leave for another post on the great culture of Singapore hawker food, I present to you, our 10 most favourite hawker food:

10. Teck Kee Pork Porridge

This is one of my favourite breakfast places to go to. Great porridge and the best pork livers you will ever find here. Unpretentious, and always sold out by lunch time, it is a favourite for young and old.

9. Tip Top Curry Puff

The best curry puff in Singapore, maybe even in this region. Nothing comes close to the fantastic crust, delicious curry chicken fillings and overall taste. If you only eat one puff, eat this one.

8. Meizhen Hakka Delicacies

Not only does Meizhen has a wide selection of Hakka delights, each and every one of this is a joy to devour. The soon kueh is the killer dish here, and is rated as one of the best on this island.

7. Leong Hainanese Chicken Rice

The first of 2 chicken rice stalls on this list, this is the best of the regular chicken rice places. Indeed, it has the best ever steamed chicken found in any hawker center, and for that matter, any restaurant too.

6. Meng Kee Beo Crescent Char Kway Teow

For my money, the best char kway teow in Singapore. I have been eating this for 10 years, and still nothing can top it. Great flavors, great technique and simply a great plate any time you visit this place.

5. Founder Bak Kut Teh

The best bak kut teh still, and is still one of the most popular ones here. This balestier stall's ability to maintain the same high standards of tender succulent pork ribs and gorgeously sweet broth is second to none.

4. Innovation Noodle

A recent discovery, and shows how creative how local hawkers can be. Instead of doing your standard minced pork noodles, the lady boss has come up with unique combinations of squid ball and chicken chop slices.

3. Rochor Original Beancurd You Tiao

The beancurd, the butterfly dough, the you tiao and the egg tart are all tops in their respective categories. It is hard to imagine a better local dessert place outside of this one. And everything is so inexpensive here still.

2. Traditional Fu Shi Roasted Wanton Mee

This Shunfu hawker place has provided the best roasted meats that I have ever tasted. Not just the char siew which is miraculously wonderful, but also the specials that the passionate owner comes up with.

1. Hainan Chicken Rice Ball

Tucked in a corner at Jalan Besar, this is my absolute favourite. Wonderful rice balls mixed with the most delicious plates of chicken and pork belly, it is the perfect hawker meal.

And there you have it, the best of hawker food from the Silver Chef.

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