Thursday, January 13, 2011

Prosperous Lim (Fu Lin Tou Fu Yuen) 福林豆腐园 At Siglap East Coast Road With Video

I have never had a specific fondness for niang tou fu all my life, but when my friend Liong Hai brought me to this Siglap outlet one lunchtime, I was immediately hooked.

Prosperous Lim, or Fu Lin Tou Fu Yuen 福林豆腐园 has a rather unique style of making this classic hawker fare. And they use a very gorgeous minced meat sauce.

The place itself is a rather spacious and well decorated coffee stall, and the ingredients for the niang tou fu are nicely laid out near the back of the stall for you to pick and choose from.

Besides niang tou fu, they also have a very delicious fish otah to savour. To go along with your selections, they also offer a choice of either noodle or rice with their special minced chicken sauce.

Noodles with Minced Chicken Sauce

This bowl of noodles was really very special indeed. The noodles were well mixed with the minced chicken sauce and the combination was not only flavorful, but absolutely delicious. I detected a hint of black pepper within the sauce which really gave the noodles an entirely different uplift.

Delectable Niang Tou Fu

Unlike most niang tou fu, which will usually have the ingredients soaked and swimming in a broth, here all the food were all drowned with a similar minced meat sauce that had that same peppery flavor to it.

Most of the food on the plate were also deep fried to give it a very crispy and crunchy texture. The fried wantons, shrimp balls and you tiao were especially good when you combine the crispiness and the flavorsome meat sauce together. Heavenly.

Fish Otah

We were also recommended the fish otah and we had no qualms having a go at it. The otah was very well cooked, with the coconut milk flavors coming in just nicely balanced with the fish textures and flavors. While Katong Laksa still retains my vote for the best otah anywhere, this otah came perilously close to that one.

While the pricing for this niang tou fu may not be as afforable as most hawker stalls, Prosperous Lim does have its own restaurant-like outlet and the quality of the food here is really high. In a way, the extra dollars are justifiable and the novelty of the sauces really do make a difference.

Deep Fried Wantons, Shrimp Balls and You Tiaos

Ultimately, Prosperous Lim has made a non-fan of this cuisine a total convert today. I still do not partake in the conventional broth based niang tou fu, but this version is very high on my to eat lists nowadays.

Prosperous Lim (Fu Lin Tou Fu Yuen) 福林豆腐园
721 East Coast Road

Written, filmed, edited and directed by Silverchef Productions.
Shot and edited entirely on Apple's Iphone 4 and at Blooie's.
No niang tou fu was harmed in the shooting of this video.
"打扫" performed by 两个女生.

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