Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Australia Part 2: Gold Coast

As you know, I went to Australia for about 2 weeks & I recently came back to New York this past weekend. For part 1: Sydney, click here.
After visiting Sydney, we flew to Brisbane to meet with relatives. They live in Helensvale, which is part of the Gold Coast. The beach was absolutely gorgeous. The sand was just so clean. Although, compared to New York beaches, any other beach is much more preferred!

The sunrise was so majestic!
So we started our sightseeing. We went to a hand glider's cliff. We wanted to watch some people dive off the hill but it started to drizzle/rain so they started to pack up to leave.

Then we drove further out into the country to visit a rainforest. On the way, we stopped by a quaint little cafe, which seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. But there was this massive but super friendly dog there - it's head was about 5x my hands!

After, we finally reached the rainforest. We walked through a trail which led us to a waterfall and a cave. We wanted to spot some glow worms (apparently, they twinkle like stars), but unfortunately we didn't see any. However, the water & trees were pretty. It also started to thunderstorm while we were in it, but we were kept mostly dry from the canopy of trees. I'm not much of a nature person but that was an incredible experience.

The next day, we took a stroll along the Gold Coast beach & the Surfers Paradise boardwalk/plazas. We also walked to a nearby park & pond.

Next post -- Australia Part 3: Wildlife!

Follow Audrey Allure.

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