I'm sure all of you know my love for music, with my song of the day playlist. Well, I recently discovered a music blog, Just Some Music Blog, owned by Rob (someone I knew in high school)! I noticed he has an amazing taste in music - quite similar to mine ;) and I jumped at the chance to ask him to compile a list of his current favorite songs. Without further ado, here it is!
10 Songs You Should Be Listening To (in no particular order)
The Black Keys, consisting of just 2 members, released their seventh studio album this past December. Titled El Camino, it contains this song, as well as some other gems such as "Lonely Boy."
Their most recent album in general is just amazing, so I had a hard time picking which song to choose. In the end I chose the title track. Make sure to check out the rest of Hello Sadness, especially "By Your Hand."
Their last album, Habits, was a huge hit with myself. From this song we can expect another upbeat, fun album. Make sure to pick up Picture Show when it's released on April 17th.
I just heard of Ingrid Michaelson recently, but I'm already in love. Her album Human Again was released in January with this song as the single. The Youtube video I linked is a live version, which I have to say, I like way more than the album version.
5. Foxy Shazam - "Last Chance at Love" - http://goo.gl/0BIq3 (« Click link to listen to the album!)
Foxy Shazam released their newest album in January titled The Church of Rock and Roll. Although I don't love the single "I Like It," the rest of the album is pretty awesome. This was the song that got stuck in my head the most.
Lately, I think I've been on a bit of an Indie-Pop binge (at least I think that's what you would call this style). This song is just fun and has everything I could ever want.
I have loved The All-American Rejects since I first heard them way back when, and they keep growing and changing from album to album. Their music has shifted more into the Indie genre as opposed to the Pop-Rock of their self-titled album and the pure Rock of Move Along.
Honestly, I hadn't heard of Gotye until the video for this song began popping up all over the web. It's a song I can really connect to emotionally, and apparently so can many other people. It is currently the #4 video on Youtube.
How could I describe this band any better than simply saying they are so much fun. They have a very Queen-esque, theatrical aspect to their music.
I first heard of The Shins when I saw the movie Garden State. In the movie Sam makes Andrew listen to "New Slang" by The Shins, saying it will change his life. The Shins are releasing their 4th studio album Port of Morrow, and changing more lives March 16th.
Hope you enjoy!
Check out his blog at JustSomeMusicBlog! :)
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