Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Well, I'm glad to say that I survived Hurricane Irene. It seemed as though it didn't hit a few places as bad as they predicted - although other places were hit pretty harsh. The most damage I encountered was just some flooding in my basement, but no power outages or any damage caused by trees or debris. I do know a few people who have lost their power though, some in nearby neighborhoods.

[img source]

It was the first time New York City shut down for a storm; public transportation stopped running at a certain time, some streets were closed, and I believe a few bridges were also closed after a certain point.

an empty Grand Central Terminal [img source]

Luckily a lot of us prepared ahead of time. Essentials like flashlights, batteries, food, munchies, water, gas etc. were bought. Some boarded or taped windows.

So, how did everyone do during Hurricane Irene?

I hope you all are safe & sound!

Follow Audrey Allure.

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