Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This weeks "I want what she has!"


This weeks "I want what she has!" goes to Kaitlyn Fergus (yes again! She's got great style, what can I say?!?)
I am loving this dress, and how she styled it! (and not just because she's wearing the pearl necklace I made her, that she wore in my wedding!) :) Loving the layers necklaces, loving the bangles up her arm, loving her belt choice, and her sandals are amazing too!

Dress: $20.99 Target

Great find Katie. I love this color on you and I want to borrow this one as well! ;) Closet swap soon?! PLEASE!

Ready for some exciting news?! Kaitlyn will now have some of her items in my "shop my closet" section! Her items will be up later tonight or tomorrow at the latest! Get excited ladies, she's got good stuff!!

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