Friday, February 11, 2011

Bobcat PhD, Persistent Hawker Detective

Today, I am taking a break from the usual food posts, and would really like to acknowledge someone who has been very influential to this blog.

And that person is none other than Bobcat, who is really one of the best resources for hawker food in Singapore.

Futhermore, he is also someone who has a great palette and has a great affinity with people.

Bob is retired, and enjoys passions in food, car audio and photography. But it is his selfless pursuit for the most obscure of hawker food gems that has made my search so much easier. And fun!

I am extremely thankful for his generous time in not only sourcing out gems like Jiang Ji and Uncle Kun, but also his efforts in organising the food sessions and explaining to the hawkers what we food bloggers do to put them very much at ease.

Beyond that, Bob takes the extra mile to print out our blogs and even cuts CDs for the hawkers' consumption. For this, the Silver Chef is both grateful and thankful for all his assistance and it has always been a great pleasure to sit down with Bob and one of his recommendations.

Speaking of recommendations, I am always rest assured that his choices are always spot on. I have discovered the likes of Ri Yi Beef Noodles and the aforementioned Jiang Ji through Bob.

And his unrelenting pursuit to bring the bigger food community to some of these unknown gems is admirable to say the least. Not only that, he himself has so much to share when having a meal with him that it is always a joy to eat with him. And he has a wonderful and lovely wife as well by his side, too!

For this and many other reasons, the Silver Chef is proud to bestow our first ever PhD (Persistent Hawker Detective) Title to Bobcat, who can detect the best of hawker food better than anyone we know, both in Singapore and Malaysia.

Happy Hunting Bob!

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