Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hawaiian Puff From Pie Connection

Pauline and I were very privileged this morning to get a taste of Pie Connection's very special and exclusive Hawaiian puff and boy, was it really special!

This puff was done as a one-off by special request for one of their customer, and as such, it is akin to a limited edition of sorts. Nevertheless, here is our thoughts on this puff.

Somewhat similar to a Hawaiian pizza, this puff contained chunky bits of pineapple (the owner mentioned that the pineapples came from Philippines, which explained the huge chunkiness and succulence of the fruit), and honeycombed ham.

Overall, the fillings were really flavorsome, with the savory and the sweet portions coming together really well. The ham was really nice and tender, and had a nice aroma to it, and the pineapple was really refreshing without ever getting too sweet.

On top of this, there were also nice crunchy portions of onions as well (similar to their wonderful tuna puffs) and this added to the overall texture of the puff. They also added a huge dose of pepper, which gave it a slight spicy kick, but not too overpoweringly so.

With the usual flaky and delicious crust, this Hawaiian puff is a winner. Too bad this is only on special request and not a regular item, as I think this would be very popular among the younger ones out there!

Pie Connection
Blk 320 Shunfu Road

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