Thursday, February 10, 2011

Closet Inventory

Tieka over at Selective Potential wrote a post this past Sunday about her closet inventory. She listed what she has and said she didn't know how this compared to the average girls closet. This got me thinking, what do I actually have in my closet?! I've never taken an actual inventory before, but I really want to now! I am going to use the same categories that Tieka used. So without further ado, here are my numbers:

Shoes: 36 pair
Dresses: 64 (summer & winter)
Skirts: 9
Shorts: 6
Pants: 5
Tights: 7
Belts: 18
Hats: 2
Purses: 31
Scarves: 5
Tops: 83
Cardigans: 17
Coats/Blazers: 12

Okay, she also did jewelry and lets please keep in mind that I make a lot of my own jewelry so I realize these numbers are high!!!

Necklaces: 48
Rings: 27
Earrings: 31
Bracelets: 32

I also added a few extra categories:
Leggings: 8
Knits: 9
Watches: 3
Staple Necklaces: 5

So that's my inventory! Weird to see I have 83 tops and 5 pairs of pants! lol
Is this a normal amount of items? Too many? Not enough? Okay, I know it's more then enough, but how do my numbers compare to other bloggers out there? Anyone up to the challenge of taking inventory? Thanks again Tieka for such a fun idea!

**Update** Since I wrote this post it has dawned on me how inaccurate these numbers are! I did not count what is in my laundry basket, and I also didn't count the 2 bins of "skinny clothes" that I will again fit into in 13 pounds! ;) So pants, tops, knits, and dresses are higher numbers! YIKES! ;)

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