Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thai Chicken with Peanuts

This dinner packs a flavor PUNCH!
I put this on the menu when I need
something QUICK and EASY
for dinner.

Thai Chicken with Peanuts
4 skinless chicken breasts diced
1 bag of cole slaw mix
1 bunch of green onions
1 tsp. minced garlic in the jar
1 tsp. ground ginger
basic barbecue seasoning to taste
1/2 cup Plum Sauce (Found in Asian food section)
Peanuts for garnish

Cut fat off of chicken and dice
the breasts into bite-sized pieces.

Saute' the chicken in a little Canola oil in
a Dutch oven pan over medium/hi heat.

While the chicken is browning,
prepare veggies.

I buy this ready-made cole slaw mix
which is why this dinner is so fast and easy.

Cut most of the green part off the green onions
and chop the white part to make
about a third cup.

When chicken is cooked through, lower
the heat to medium and
add the bag of cole slaw mix...

and, the green onions and cook until
the veggies are soft.

Gather your seasonings.

When veggies are cooked,
add the garlic and cook about a minute longer.

Add the ground ginger and sprinkle
in the barbecue seasoning.
I add this as if it were salt, so season
according to your own taste.

Add the plum sauce and mix
everything together.

Sprinkle peanuts on top for garnish
and serve immediately.

Your family will think you ordered take-out
from a Thai restaurant.


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