Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pan Fried Salmon with Butter Cream Sauce - Cooking Demo at Woodlands

After my culinary demo with Chef Peter at Chong Pang Community Centre last February, I was again invited last week to do a cooking demo for a group of housewives at Woodlands.

The first thing that came to mind was this simple but tasty salmon dish and my regular tomato basil pasta which I posted on Terry aka Food Canon's blog recently. So, I thought it would be a good time to post this delicious recipe here.

One of the considerations when I was doing this demo was that most of the ladies cook predominantly Chinese food at home, and doing a western dish would be both something out of the usual, as well as something they can add to their recipe repertoire for their family.

The ingredients for the salmon dish are really easy and simple. Salmon fillet, butter, cream, spring onion and some seasoning. That's all to it.

Showing the Ladies to Cook Salmon

To begin, season the salmon with some black pepper on both sides of the fillet. I do not use salt as the cream butter sauce will be more than savory enough for the entire dish.

In a sizzling hot pan, add some olive oil and place the salmon inside skin side down and press it somewhat to get a good caramelization on the skin. As the fish cooks until 2 thirds up, flip the fish.

Add in a knob of butter and start basting the fish with a spoon for another 2 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove and let the fish rest inside the still cooking pan.

In another pan, add in a knob of butter and half a cup of whipping cream. I use whipping cream as it is more liquid and easier to make as a sauce. Boil it to a boil and stir the sauce until you get a smooth consistency.

Add in some chopped spring onion and plate the sauce onto the plate first. Put the salmon on top and garnish it with some fresh parsley on top and some cubed and boiled new potatoes in the sauce for some additional starch.

Satisfied Students

And that's about it. Simple, and quick. The entire dish can be whipped up in a matter of minutes. And that was what I was hoping to impart to the ladies there, to cook fresh food simply and quickly.

I advised them not to use bottled and packet sauces for their food and pasta, as really, cooking food fresh will always taste good and you do not need a Michelin chef to cook good food at home.

Bon appetit!

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