Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kayaking in NYC

This past weekend was such an eventful one full of summer activities and friends' birthdays!

Today is my boyfriend (Andres)'s birthday -- and this past Saturday I took him kayaking at Pier 66 here in NYC. It's with the Manhattan Kayak Company and they offer various groups - based on experience, length of time, etc. I made a reservation for "Fun In the Sun", which was for beginners, lasting about an hour or two.

We never went kayaking before, but we had an amazing experience! We requested a two-person kayak, which was a bit difficult getting started (we were the slowpokes of the group), but after awhile we got the hang of it and then we were waiting for others to catch up.

If there wasn't a risk of getting wet, I would have taken photos of the beautiful views from the water -- we paddled south and we could see the Statue of Liberty from afar. The weather was absolutely amazing and it was all worth feeling sore the next morning.

Yesterday, I celebrated my friend Freida's birthday at her house with an intimate barbeque with family and close friends. Her family fed us so much, I'm still feeling full -- we enjoyed beef kebabs, salads, fruit, bread, drinks, nuts, tea, and cake. Oh yes, and candy (with all the kids running around).

Tonight, we're celebrating Andres's birthday again with his family. Whew! Definitely look forward to relaxing tomorrow :)

How was your weekend?

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