Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My new picture wall

For as long as I can remember I have always wanted a picture wall. Well, more of a collage wall, but a picture wall non the less! I finally started collecting frames of all shapes and sizes and mirrors starting back in September. Since I had NO IDEA how to do a project like this without ending up with a wall full of holes, I asked Lindsay from Yams Designs to help. She surpassed my expectations and then some!! She come over with craft paper and traced all my frames (making marks on the paper were the hooks are and everything) and began taping them up my wall! Here is what we came up with using the frames I had at this point:
I decided I was going to want more frames, so I went on and found a 10 pack for $29.99. When those came I added them to the existing collage. Here is what I have up as of now:
It's not done yet! I still need to add a custom piece that Lindsay is making to the top left of the wall. I also need to fill some of the frames that are up and undoubtedly I will probably add a few more frames.
I was so lucky to have Lindsay to help me on this project. She is a design consultant, so this is a smaller job then she usually takes on, but she was more then happy to help. You can check out her blog here and here Etsy store here! And if you ever need design help, I urge you to use her. She really has a great eye for design. You should see the chair she picked out for my front room/office. Well, that's a work in process and another post! ;)

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