Sunday, March 13, 2011

Shokudo Japanese Coffee House With Video

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of new Japanese cafes that specialises in western fare, especially Italian pastas and pizzas.

I remember a few years back, I used to frequent Waraku Pasta in Clarke Quay Central, and back then, it was very packed and had a novelty feel about it.

Since that time, Waraku seems to have expanded this concept to a few more outlets, and Sakae has gotten into the act. Unfortunately, Sakae just did not seem to have the same quality and their Wheelock outlet has since reduced to half its original size.

I found this Shokudo Japanese Coffee House sometime last year, and was quietly impressed by it the first time I was there for a simple coffee and light meal.

I happened to be in Bugis Junction over the weekend and wanted to bring Pauline to let her try it out for herself. Thankfully, it is as I remembered from last time.

Macha Latte

Pauline started off with a very greenish macha latte and it was a good start indeed. Not too milky, and just enough of the green tea macha flavor without too overpowering.

Iced Yuzu Soda

My own iced yuzu soda was even better. It was refreshing and the little bits of lemon zests really gave this soda a real zing and zip to it.

Unagi and Mushroom Ultra Thin Crust Pizza

Pauline had this very sumptuous unagi and mushroom pizza. It was shaped rectangularly, similar to Crust Pizza, and had this super thin crust which was rather crispy. The mix of unagi and mushroom was quite nice, except that the mushrooms were a bit dry.

Salmon Spaghetti with Wafu Butter Sauce

I had this very tasty pasta dish, which was essentially pan fried salmon on top of a spaghetti tossed in a slight butter sauce. I particularly liked the generous amount of garlic and slight chilli for the extra heat. The highlight for me personally.

Caramalised Bananas on Thick Toast with Chocolate Sauce

Japanese cafes tend to do very funky and pretty looking desserts, and Shokudo is no exception. This thick toast did look pretty, but tastewise, it was a letdown. The toast was a bit too thick and dry, and though the notion of bananas and chocolate was a temptiing one, here it just did not work out.

Tofu Cheesecake

The tofu cheesecake was a totally different experience. Not only was it beautiful to look at, it was also a delight to consume as well. It has a nice, creamy and soft texture that was both sweet and savory at once. And the chocolate sauce on the side just perfectly complemented it.

Shokudo is a cafe that is designed more for the younger crowd, and the ambience within was definitely colorful and cosy. But as a place to have some light and tasty meals, Shokudo is definitely appropriate and serves as a nice alternative to other Japanese pasta cafes.

Shokudo Japanese Coffee House
200 Victoria Street
Bugis Junction

Written, filmed, edited and directed by Silverchef Productions.
Shot and edited entirely on Apple's Iphone 4 in Bugis Junction.
No unagi pizza was harmed in the shooting of this video.
"Innocent" performed by David Cook.

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