Friday, March 25, 2011

What's happening in my world....

First off, we have finally reached 200 blogspot followers here at Stilettos and Diaper Bags! woo hoo! Thanks guys! Who would of thought?! ;)

So things are crazy busy around the home front. Everyone is sick, well me and the kids are anyway. Somehow my hubby has not caught what we have. LUCKY BASTARD! lol

We have been keeping busy with my son's 3 hours of EI therapies per week. Also starting to fill out paperwork for his transition into the public school district in the fall. So weird that he'll be in school soon. Seriously scary! I'm also in the process of planning his 3rd B-day party! (Can you believe I am going to be the mother of a 3 year old?! Time just flies!) I think this year we are going with a Word World theme. (PBS Kids show)

My little lady is thriving. She laughs, sucks her thumb, and grabs objects and her feet. She can roll from her front to back but has not mastered the back to front roll yet. (Thank goodness, I'm in no rush for her to be mobile!)

On top of being a full time mommy and blogger, I have recently gone into business with my sister-in-law and it is all very hush hush and exciting. As soon as everything is trademarked and underway, you all will be the first to know what that's all about! Promise!!

So I guess the moral of the story is, I'm crazy busy, but enjoying myself! Life is good!

Have you entered this months giveaway yet?! Only 8 days left to enter!

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