Thursday, April 14, 2011

What's happening in my world....

Busy, busy, busy, busy! So much is going on, and the day to day is getting a bit crazy. But not too much crazy, just busy crazy!

My hubby has a show this weekend with Lucky Boys Confusion at Penny Road Pub in Barrington. I won't be there, but if you're in the area you should check it out for sure!

Both kids doing great. My daughter is officially mobile. She rolls, pushes, and slides all over the floor. She's also sitting pretty well by herself.
Just trying to figure out what to do with her while we play outside. I was holding her and my son wanted to get in his swing and I was juggling 2 kids and realized I need to start planning to set her in or on something outside! ;) I did get a popatot (which I will be writing about soon) but she is still too small for it. Maybe a blanket or something for now!

I'm freaking out a little bit about tomorrow. I am getting injections in my spine (c-4) to relieve a bulging disk from pushing on my spinal cord.
Perhaps I should give you a little back story......
I had a cervical fusion of my C-5 C-6 2 years ago and since then I have been fine! About 4 weeks ago my neck pain started again and a CT and MRI later I found out that the disk above the surgery site and the disk below are bulging. The one above is worse and instead of jumping back into surgery they are trying injections first. I guess if it doesn't work tomorrow they will try one more time before they recommend surgery again. Not ideal, but my doctor tells me this is something that will keep happening throughout my life. Best case scenario I will get a few years in between treatments.
So wish me luck!
A positive spin on this is that I will not be able to lift either kid for a few days, so it will be like a little mommy break!  Hey, I'll take what I can get! lol

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