Saturday, July 9, 2011

Organo Gold Gourmet Coffee

I was recently sent some Organo Gold Gourmet coffee from Rachel Sanches. The samples I've received (Cafe Supreme, Cafe Latte, Organic Black, and Black Coffee Cafe Noir) all contain something called Ganoderma.

Ganoderma basically comes in the form of a mushroom. Okay, I know what you're thinking... mushroom and coffee? But no, it's not like that at all! Ganoderma can go in different forms, a mushroom, a powder, and a herb. It basically is known as the "mushroom of immortality"; from its scientific name, in ancient Greek it's "bright shiny skin"; in Chinese, it translates to "herb of spiritual potency". If you want to read more about Ganoderma, just check out this link!

In short, it does wonders to your skin!

So as a big coffee drinker, I wasn't hesitant to try it. In fact, it was great! I love the fact that it helps my skin while I'm just enjoying a drink. All are instant, so it's easy to just add hot or cold water to it. The Cafe Supreme and Cafe Latte already have milk & sugar mixed in with the powder, which made it even easier to make.

*I was sent samples to try for this post.

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