Saturday, February 18, 2012

Recipe: Gluten Free Taco Salad & Winner Announced: The FunSpunge

Now I'm just making stuff up. Seriously, I always cook from recipes, but this day I decided to combine some of my favorite salad secrets from my mom and add whatever else we had. This is my version of (ground) Turkey taco salad.

-1 lb. organic ground turkey
-1 can black beans
-jar medium salsa
-romaine lettuce
-corn tortilla chips
-shredded cheese

-reduced fat ranch dressing

Brown ground turkey and add black beans and 1/2 jar of the salsa. Set aside.
Wash lettuce and chop.
In bowl, layer lettuce, turkey/bean/salsa mix, avocado, and top with salsa/ranch dressing. Crumble corn chips on top and serve.

I got all 3 other of my family members to eat this! My hubby doesn't eat veggies, so I was happy he fell for it! ;)

And now, for the winner of the FunSpunge giveaway! 
And the winner is:
Becky M
You will be receiving an email later today asking which FunSpunge style you would like and your shipping info.
Thank you to all who entered and a big thanks to the creator of the FunSpunge for hosting this giveaway! 

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