Wednesday, December 1, 2010

belinda eaton


'A world of colour, vivid characters, swirling spaces, uncontained energy that can’t be trapped by the limits of the canvas, images constantly on the move, living life, dancing, drinking, and eating.'

I love the imagery of Belinda Eaton's work: women with strong facial features, tattoos, contemporary fashion and vintage patterns, flowers and insects, oriental elements, and all sorts of bits and pieces reflecting her world traveler existence. She's a British artist born in the Sixties in Mombasa, Kenya. She lived in London, New York, France, Karachi, Barcelona and is currently living and painting between England and Andalucia, Spain.

Giclee prints and postcards available for sale on her website.

And I have a special interest for creative spaces, I think they give such a rich insight into the artistic process - so here's a picture of her studio :D

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