Sunday, December 12, 2010

Innovation Noodle At Whampoa Market With Video

Among Whampoa's hidden treasures is this very unique noodle stall cleverly called Innovation Noodle, and true to its name, it does have some quite innovative touches.

Run by a very friendly lady boss, this stall may on first glance, look like any other bak chor mee stall, but on closer inspection, it will reveal a far wider range of selection.

Chief among its "innovations" is the use of squid or sotong balls instead of the usual fish balls you find in most hawker noodle stalls, and the lady boss also uses deep fried chicken chop like balls to accompany the noodles as well.

Innovation Noodle with Sotong Ball and Chicken Chop Pieces

I had a bowl of the sotong ball and chicken chop variation and quite frankly, it was very, very good. Using squid elicited a larger ball of protein than you would normally get from fish. But more than that, the texture was far more smoother and sweeter, akin to the Japanese sotong balls you usually find in shopping malls.

The chicken chop pieces were equally good and were well seasoned and very well fried. So much so that the chicken was still pretty crispy on the outside after being added into the noodles. The noodles themselves were well cooked and only slightly al dente, which is how I usually like my noodles.

All in all, for a noodle stall to surprise our palettes these days is very difficult. Innovation Noodle managed to do just that and in the presence of the amiable lady boss, we are more than enthused for more return visits in the very near future. And so should you.

Innovation Noodle
#01-79 Block 90
Whampoa Drive Hawker Centre

Written, filmed, edited and directed by Silverchef Productions.
Shot and edited entirely on Apple's Iphone 4 and at Whampoa Hawker Market.
No innovative noodle was harmed in the shooting of this video.
"Waiting On The World To Change" performed by John Mayer.

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