Sunday, December 5, 2010

Whampoa Satay Bee Hoon

It is quite surprising that after all these years, I still have not really visited Whampoa's famous eateries and food markets, and only recently was prompted to go there by one of my readers here.

The Whampoa Market is indeed huge, and houses twice as many food stalls as your regular food market. But, what is more important is that the quality of the food here is exceptionally high.

Over the coming week or so, I will be focusing on a number of the more notable food places here, as well as Whampoa's other famous eateries, which extend beyond this excellent food market.

For today, I would like to start off with something simple, yet absolutely delicious, which is this delightful Whampoa Satay Bee Hoon stall.

Satay Bee Hoon

For the uninitiated, satay bee hon is a bee hoon dish that comprises of bee hoon, pork, cuttlefish, kang kong that are totally drowned in a fragrant satay bee hoon sauce.

The Whampoa's satay bee hoon managed to retain all the flavors of the ingredients very well, and the satay gravy was just about right. Not too sweet, yet the fragrance of the peanut aroma came through very well to complement the meat and cuttlefish perfectly.

For a place full of national food treasures, this plate of satay bee hoon did not feel out of place, and should sampled by anyone who has a fondness for this dish.

Whampoa Satay Bee Hoon
#01-38 Block 90
Whampoa Drive

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