"Because I Shop Too Much" is an online marketplace that will allow our users to buy, sell, and swap their clothing and accessories. The site is fashion-focused with a social networking element that will allow our users to not only "shop" other users closets (profiles), but also build relationships in the process by creating a closet that will spark conversation between users. BISTM aims to provide users with an economical alternative that allows them to remain connected to current fashion trends without breaking the bank. Users will be able to search for items based on location, category, price, etc. all within this free "members-only" online community. As opposed to some re-sale shops, the site has an open policy regarding brands and labels so as not to limit the items people wish to sell.
I love selling my clothes here on my blog, but the only time someone buys is if they are loyal readers or they stumble upon my blog (and thank you to all of my loyal shoppers for that!! xo). That got us thinking, what about all the other bloggers out there that sell their clothes? Wouldn't it be amazing if there was one place were we could all go to check each others stuff out? And what about non bloggers, shouldn't there be a place for all of us to go to buy, sell, and swap clothes and accessories in an online social network?!?! We thought so too!! ;)
As a start-up company, we knew to expect the unexpected, but each day brings a new challenge, so we're enjoying the adventure and taking our passion for this business (and shopping bags!) along with us for the ride. While we wait for the process of production to take place you can all "like" our FB page and follow BISTM on Twitter. That way you will get updates on what's next and early access to the site when it launches! You can also leave your email below to be added to our mailing list if you'd like!
So, start taking pictures of anything you'd like to sell on your profile as you switch out your closet for the next season! I hope you all love this concept as much as we do!
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