Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kettle Corn

I need to start this recipe post with a

This sweet popcorn is highly addictive!
You may find yourself craving it every evening!

I could not keep my hand out of the bowl
long enough to take the above photo.

Kettle corn is popular at fairs and carnivals
here in the mid-west.

It's simply sugar added to popcorn
during the cooking process.

The trick is to NOT burn the sugar.

Kettle Corn
1/2 cup popcorn
1/4 cup vegetable oil (I use Canola.)
1/4 cup white sugar (use brown sugar for a caramel corn taste.)

Dump the popcorn into a medium
sauce pan.

This is actually our POPCORN pan:

Add the oil and heat over...
here's the important trick here:

MEDIUM heat.

I usually pop corn at medium/high heat...
but after scorching several batches with the sugar...
learn from my mistake..

When the oil starts to sizzle
and the kernels look ready to POP...

Sprinkle on the sugar.

Immediately lift the pan from the burner
and swirl the sugar into the hot oil.

Put lid on the pan and set it
back on the burner until you hear it
starting to pop.

Lift pan and swirl again.

Do the lift and swirl several times
until the popping slows down.

Immediately pour into a large bowl.

Let it cool slightly...the sugar is HOT.
Especially important when serving this to children.

Gotta go finish off my big bowl.

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