Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Freshly Baked By Le Bijoux - The Best Chocolate Sponge Cake in Singapore

During my many times past Killiney Road, I have never noticed this little but very well positioned bakery near the beginning of the street.

It is owned by Ms Audrey Tan, a fabulous baker who churns out all sorts of baking goodness daily, from breads to cakes.

Thankfully, someone pointed this out to me and I was surprised to find the best chocolate cake here.

It has a seating area of about ten small tables, but the thing here is most people would just grab their stuff and go. But for others, it is a nice little haven to relax and unwind.

A Nice Cup of Earl Grey

I curled up to my usual brew and sat down to enjoy the chocolate cake, which to my surprise, looked simple and almost modest. They do serve excellent sandwiches and aromatic loaves of bread to takeaway as well.

Chocolate Sponge Cake

Made from dark Belgian chocolate, the chocolate flavors were slightly bitter, without being overpoweringly so. And the sponge itself was amazingly beautiful.

Moist and delicate, it had just such a wonderful texture to it that when combined with the lovely chocolate flavors, it was an irresistible combination!

Sold in loaves that almost resembles a dark chocolate bread, this chocolate sponge has had me coming back again and again. Pauline agrees as well as we usually devour one loaf in a few nights.

I should warn you that t has that "just one more slice" effect. It is just that addictive!

Freshly Baked By Le Bijoux
57 Killiney Road

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