Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lau Ah Tee Bak Kut Teh at Whampoa, Next to Boon Keng MRT

Having been to Whampoa West a couple of times, I have begun to realize that there are a lot of very traditional Teochew eateries and restaurants surrounding this place.

I was brought to this very excellent bak kut teh place by the Master of Chinese Tea himself, Kenry Peh. And I was certainly was not disappointed by the fare presented here.

As with most famous and notable Teochew bak kut teh establishments, they serve not only great pork ribs soup, but also serve fantastic Teochew steamed fish as well.

And nothing beats having a fragrant bowl of pork ribs soup than to accompany it with Kenry's own brew which balances the dish perfectly and helps to cleanse the oil and fat.

Steamed Squid

What was unfamiliar to me for a bak kut teh session, was this modest serving of steamed squid. I was told to dip it in a sweet sauce that is usually served with Teochew cold crab, and boy, was this heavenly.

Simple, with a beautiful texture that was tender without being rubbery, the sweetness of the sauce perfectly matched it.

Spare Ribs Soup

Like all great bak kut teh stalls, the test was in the spare ribs and here, it was most succulent and completely buttery tender within. It simply melted in your mouth with every bite, and the meat was begging to fall off the bone.

The soup was peppery without overly spicy, and yet there was a hint of sweetness and perhaps, this broth had just a tiny bit more salt that it needed to, but it was nevertheless brilliant and I had no problem finishing it.

The you tiao served here was also surprisingly fresh and crispy and deserved a mention, despite the fact that I forgot to take a picture of it. Highly recommended.

Steamed Fish

Though Kenry did mention the name of this fish, it has all but escaped me now. Nevertheless, I must admit, this is a really amazing steamed fish.

No sauce, just steamed and wrapped in a lotus leaf, the fish was beautifully fresh and sweet and the meat was just tender and moist. One of the best steamed fish I have had in a bak kut teh stall!

I am beginning to realize through Kenry that there are many more excellent bak kut teh eateries besides the famous ones that I have blogged before. Lau Ah Tee is one of these.

If you are nearby Boon Keng, do check this out, but do note that it is usually opened in the daytime only.

Lau Ah Tee Bak Kut Teh
Blk 34 Whampoa West #01-67

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