Monday, September 12, 2011

Zhao An Granny Grass Jelly - Best Grass Jelly or Chin Chow in Singapore, Endorsed by President Nathan

During Chan Wai's visit here for his food chronicles, there was a day when he and Rex needed something soothing to detoxify the amount food they had consumed.

Immediately, one will think of grass jelly as the cooling agent to partake to reduce heat and aid digestion. It is also know here as Chin Chow in Mandarin and Hokkien.

And in Singapore, there is probably no better representation of this popular local dessert than at Beach Road's Zhao An Granny Grass Jelly.

Run by Mr Yeo, he has seeked to preserve his grandma's classic recipe and is determined to carry on this age old method of making grass jelly.

Smooth Grass Jelly

They serve both cold and warm versions of the beautiful grass jelly, and you could not go wrong either way. And on its own, its somewhat bitter, though some do take it that way.

Here, you can ask how you want it serve, with as little or as much syrup as you like to sweeten the dish. I personally like just a tinge of sweetness, so that you can still make out the grass jelly's subtle flavors.

I had the cold grass jelly, and it was simply amazing! Smooth, with the right amount of texture that had the perfect combination of resistance and yet, when came to the bite, it was just bursting with a delicate flavor.

Friendly Aunty

The stall is usually manned by this friendly aunty with a warm, comforting smile. It just seemed to represent the image of Mr Yeo's grandma so wonderfully.

Grass jelly is known for its medicinal properties, and beyond that, it is a wonderful dessert to go after a heavy and oily meal. Just another interesting nugget. It is officially known as Mesona Chinensis.

Mr Yeo has actually placed some of this information on the stall itself, so that any patron can find out more. Very educational indeed.

I highly recommend this place. So much so that President Nathan himself gave his endorsement!

Simple. Effective. Delicious.

Zhao An Granny Grass Jelly
Golden Mile Food Centre

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