Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's holiday cookie time! Cookie #1

This year we are having a gluten free holiday. I shopped for gluten free flour, natural food coloring, soy free (and some dairy free) chocolate, raw sugar, almond milk, organic butter and eggs, and natural organic peanut butter, gluten free pretzels, and yes some regular chocolate like M&M's and Hershey. I am attempting 6 kinds this year, so here we go!

First up, Chocolate Chip cookies (I made these last year too). I simply used the classic Nestle Tollhouse recipe and subbed items to be gluten free flour, raw sugar, enjoy life chips, and organic butter and eggs.
They turned out delish! They were thinner then the regular tollhouse cookies usually are, but I think they taste better! (yeah, I said it!)
You can find the nestle recipe here.

Come back later today at 5:00pm to see cookie #2

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